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7 things you will regret doing on a port day

7 things you will regret doing on a port day

On a cruise, the port day is exciting. You want to plan all the things and expect the unexpected to have all the fun. Just keep your mind open about the surprises you are going to get. And the day will be even better with that. But being prepared can get some hassle off your shoulder. We are here today to tell you about things to not do on a port day. Doing these is not just bad, it can make your day worse.  Fun times are waiting for you. Just keep these in mind.

Not being prepared

You will be by the beach all day. if it’s summer you don’t want to get extreme sunburn. So sunscreen for everyone is a must-have. Otherwise, it’s not a pleasant feeling to have sunburn while you are here to enjoy your cruise vacation. With sunscreen pack your hats, sunglass, water bottle, and an umbrella. Get a bag and pack everything with some snacks. Keep your cruise card and photo id. When you get back you will need all these otherwise it will be a hassle. And don’t go to shops everywhere and ask for credit card payments. Those places may not have credit card systems at all. Keep all the cash possible for the port day. Or just forget about shopping. And the cash has to be local currency.

Not checking all aboard time

I tend to overthink everything and check every schedule all the time. But some people are not like that. If you are naturally not like that keep a reminder to check the all-aboard time again. Rechecking it before departure is the best. Yeah, I know you were given a time already at the time you booked the cruise. But changes happen multiple times and they can happen even at the last minute.

Checking the all-aboard time looks so easy. But you would be amazed by seeing how many people miss the cruise just for not being on time. If you don’t want to arrange your journey to the next port by yourself then be on time. Who knows you may even have to go home for this big mistake. So always check all the announcements and schedules twice or thrice.

Pre-book or pre-schedule everything

Do you have a specific place in mind that you want to visit? If yes then you must pre-book everything beforehand. It looks like how hard can it be for a museum to let few people come. Yes, it is hard. And the rules will not allow them to let anyone in without a pre-booking. You don’t want to miss a memorable journey just because you didn’t pre-book. The same goes for activities that you want to do. Snorkeling is one of them. you must have everything scheduled on time so that you get toa do it on time. Don’t know what to do? Contact your agency or the travel agent and ask them what you should do. They know what’s perfect for which place and will give you an expert opinion. Who knows they can even help pre-booking everything.

Getting off the ship

Yeah, you guessed it right. We are telling you to stay on the ship if you aren’t excited about the port day at all. You don’t have to go and roam around if nothing there excites you much. You can take a day off. Get some rest and do just nothing that day. This can also be a great way to enjoy this long-awaited vacation. Let’s be honest, the ship will have a port day now and then. Not every place is special. If you have done enough in the last port day you should take a rest on this one. If there is nothing too special about that place. trust me, you will enjoy it more than you want to admit. Who doesn’t love to have a ship by themselves? There will be no line in the buffet.

Not enjoying local food

If you are a picky eater or have dietary restrictions you shouldn’t try local food. Otherwise, it would be a disaster if you don’t try local food. What are you traveling the world for if you don’t taste different food? You don’t have to go to the fanciest place there. Just some random food place will be the best place to know the local culture. Just don’t go for something that you are completely unaware of. And don’t go to those food places you already have in your country that have a franchise there. You can go for a walk to the local places, take a bus ride or attend a fair. It’s the best way to know a culture. And those places like festival or fair has great street food. You don’t want to miss it for anything.

Not carrying water

I don’t think it crosses our minds that we need a lot of water while exploring. And not everywhere there is enough safe water. Keep that in mind wherever you go. So you must carry a big bottle of water everywhere you go on a port day. You don’t want to feel like a thirsty man looking for water everywhere. It’s terrible, you will hate every minute of it.

Don’t look like a tourist

It’s kind of silly to make yourself look like a tourist. Don’t wear all the id cards or ship IDs around the neck to scream that I am a tourist. Because people tend to try scamming tourists more. You cannot trust anyone so don’t put yourself as someone vulnerable like a tourist.

Final thoughts

Port day is all about fun on the outside. Make sure you get the most out of it. Get some sun, air, and fresh food from the islands. And then you are set again for a long journey in port. You also will have so much fun on the cruise but different places have different types of fun.

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